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The Urgency of Training Needs Analysis in Training Planning to Improve the Competence of PAUD Teachers
Piksa Dewi Ekantiningsih

Last modified: 2022-08-18


Training needs analysis is the first step in planning training. In essence, before conducting training planning, it is necessary to analyze the training needs first. This is so that the training will be carried out to make a meaningful contribution to the user or institution. This study aims to determine the urgency of training needs analysis in training planning. This research is a literature study with a type of descriptive qualitative research with library research that seeks to describe the importance of the training needs analysis process in planning a training, especially training to improve the competence of early childhood teachers. The results showed that training needs analysis can help stakeholders know the actual competence of human resources. In this case, stakeholders can find out the actual competence and performance of teachers in carrying out their duties and know how to improve these competencies. This is because the needs analysis process is a process to identify discrepancies or gaps between performance standards and competencies currently owned. The next interesting research to be developed as research is how to analyze the training needs of Early Childhood Education (ECD) teachers so that the results of training recommendations are obtained to improve the competence of ECD teachers.