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Functional Literacy Anomaly of Illiterate Persons
Very Very, Siskawati Yunus, A Sarifah Nur Rahmi

Last modified: 2022-08-18


Illiterates are individuals who cannot read, write, and count in Indonesian, Latin, and Arabic. Illiteracy also means illiteracy in Indonesian, blind to technological progress, blind to the knowledge that supports daily life. This definition then develops into a quite interesting anomaly. Some people who are classified as illiterate can use a set of technological tools (mobile phones) as a communication tool and use social media well, but they are not balanced with the ability to read, write and count. To describe this phenomenon, Mixed Method Research has been carried out using four data collection procedures in the form of observation, interview, test, and documentation. The object of this research is 27 illiterate people in Pinlosian District, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency. Based on the results of quantitative analysis, it was found that 62.9% or 17 illiterate people could use cell phones devices well, with details of 9 people already familiar with certain letters and sentences at a minimal level. While the other 8 people do not know the letters well. In addition, there are 37.1% or 10 illiterate people who cannot use cell phones devices and do not know letters. Furthermore, based on the results of qualitative analysis, it is found that illiterate people who can use cell phones well are generally people with an age range of 12 to 50 years, good economic conditions, job demands, and have a family environment and social environment that uses social media a lot so that the community motivated to be able to use HP. Meanwhile, illiterate people who cannot use cell phones are more than 60 years old, work odd jobs, and do not have the motivation to socialize on media.