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Implementation of Andragogy based on e-Training for Educators and Staff in Early Childhood Education Schools
Rofik Jalal Rosyanafi, Heryanto Susilo, Wiwin Yulianingsih, Ikhsan Setiawan, Tawaduddin Nawafilaty

Last modified: 2022-08-18


This research originated from a phenomenon experienced by educators and staff in early childhood schools as adult learners who regularly participate in e-Training. e-Training is a term for information and communication technologies-based competency improvement activities, which before the COVID-19 pandemic could be held offline or face-to-face (Training, Seminars, Workshops, and the like). The principles of adult learning or the assumptions of andragogy that have been used by educators and staff are certainly different from what was previously in offline learning activities online. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data was obtained through observation, documentation, and interview techniques. The subjects and objects in this study were educators and education staff at RA Perwanidah I Lamongan, one of the early childhood education providers who actively participated in e-Training activities. Data analysis was carried out using the Bogdan & Biklen model. The results showed that the e-training used to increase the competence of educators and staff at RA Perwanidah I Lamongan was not optimal to meet the learning needs of adult learners. The presence of e-Training as a new approach can provide innovation value and temporary solutions during the pandemic, but in terms of self-concept implementation, experience accumulation, learning readiness, and learning orientation andragogy assumptions have not been able to replace learning activities that have been used offline. This condition impacts the motivation and learning outcomes of educators and education staff as adult learners at RA Perwanidah I Lamongan, an Early Childhood Education School.



Andragogy, e-Training, Educators and Staff for Early Childhood