Last modified: 2022-08-18
Abstract: This research was motivated by the problem of the lack of positive parenting knowledge from every parent in Bianglala Early Children Education, Bandung. This study aims to provide knowledge and skills to parents regarding positive parenting for children. This happens because of the lack of knowledge possessed by every parent in the Early Childhood Education in Bandung in educating children who aim at positive parenting. This study uses a qualitative method descriptive approach, with interview and observation techniques. The results of the study show that: 1) the process of implementing a parenting program with the presence of parents in parenting activities so that they always follow the material presented such as skills, spiritual showering, cooking, and so on; 2) The attitude of parents after participating in the parenting program shows positive parenting behavior; 3) The inhibiting factor of the behavior of the parenting program is in the form of economic difficulties, and the main factor that is perceived as inhibiting is the presence of parents and children still need time to adapt in applying the positive in everyday life, and there are still many parents who cannot attend or arrive late so that not all information can be conveyed by the speaker. The novelty of this research is that parents and institutions can apply positive parenting to their children. Parents should be assertive when educating and nurturing children so that children are accustomed to applying positive parenting.
Keywords: parenting, parents, positive care.