Last modified: 2022-08-18
The petekan tradition is a hereditary tradition that has been carried out o leh villagers ngadas pergger tribe since 1772 until now. The petekan tradition is a unique tradition that is carried out by the surrounding community to control the younger generation from free association as well as pregnancy outside of marriage. The control is carried out by conducting periodic three-month pregnancy tests on widows and virgins living in ngadas village. In the implementation of the devolution of the petekan tradition, parents play an important role in keeping their child from free association that is not desired in daily activities while at home by giving advice and admonition to the child.
The purpose of this research is to describe the informal education process conducted by parents, indigenous figures, religious leaders, and village leaders as well as the device of the children's village as the next generation in the devolution of the tengger tradition tradition. The scope of this study is to examine the informal learning process conducted by parents (fathers and mothers) in advising children to maintain politeness and ethical behavior in the environment in order to avoid free association, disaster or disaster as a cosmopology in ngadas villagers. The research approach used is a qualitative approach with this type of case study using in-dept interview. Data analysis is done with the data reduction stage, the display of decision-making data. Data validity checks using triangulation techniques and source triangulation techniques.
The results showed that parents (fathers and mothers) have an important role to play in educating children in the family environment. One method of education in the family environment is to give advice about life to the child primarily in terms of behaving. The advice given by parents to children, especially women, is to maintain a pattern of behavior in association, modesty in association, and to maintain self-chastity for women. If the advice is violated, it will be self-harming and smearing the family's good name and causing disaster for the villagers ngadas because it is believed to cause the disease felt by most of the ngadas community. in addition to parents, indigenous people, religious leaders, village heads and village devices also play an important role in social control for the younger generation of ngadas villagers. This control is done by giving advice to children and parents in maintaining harmony in society that is conveyed through their role of care.
Keywords : Parents, Informal Education, Advice, Petekan Tradition