Last modified: 2022-08-18
Speaking is one of the important aspects in teaching language because it includes one of four basic language skills.Based on the facts that most students at class VIII of Junior High School 10 Padang had some problems in speaking. Based on the mean of the speaking score, students got 50.97. It means students’speaking ability was still low.Therefore, the strategy should be implemented to the classroom.
The purpose of this research was to find out The Effectof Round Robin Strategy towards Students’ Speaking Ability at Class VIII of State Junior High School 10 Padang and what components of speaking ability can be improved by using Round Robin Strategy.The method of the research is pre-experimental research with pre-test and post-test control design. The data were collected through speaking test in the form of monologue test.The data were analyzed by using the t-test formula.There were 239 students at grade VIII Junior High School 10 Padang at 2018/2019 academic year as the population of this research. By using cluster sampling technique, the researcher took classVIII-A as the sample (experimental class) that consist of 31 students. To collectthe data, a pre-test was given before giving treatment. The researcher giving treatment by using Round Robin Strategy in four meetings in classroom activities. The post-test was given after doing treatments in this research.
The result of this research showed that Round Robin Strategy towards Students’ Speaking Ability. It could be seen from students’ speaking in post-test was 66.03 higher than the mean score students’ speaking pre-test was 51.87. while t-calculate was 89.69 also higher than t-table was 2.39. it means that the hypothesis was accepted. The significant component that could be improved by using Round Robin Strategywere pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency,and comprehension.
Based on the explanation above, there are some suggestion can be offered as follow: First, It is recommended that the English teacher should consider the use of Round Robin as a Strategy in teaching speaking. Then, for another researcher, it is suggested to carry out further studies about the use of Round Robin Strategy to improve students’ speaking ability.
Key Words
Round Robin Strategy, Speaking