July 21, 2020 – July 22, 2020
Welcome to NFEIC 2nd 2020
It is our honor to invite and welcome you to The 2nd Non Formal Education International Conference (NFEIC) 2020, Department of Non-formal Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padang which will be held on July 21-22, 2020, at https://webinar.unp.ac.id/. The conference is organized by The Department of Non-Formal Education Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Padang.
“Strengthening Non-Formal Education Services through Increasing Community Access of Information and Technology Literacy”
Information literacy is very closely related to the ability to think critically about all information obtained and sensitivity to all aspects of life. Information literacy requires the ability to analyze information that is useful in solving a problem. Equipping people with skills about information literacy is something that is important and must be done.
Based on this idea, the Department of Non Formal Education, Faculty of Education at Universitas Negeri Padang will hold the second Non Formal Education International Conference (NFEIC) with the theme "Strengthening Non Formal Education Services through Increasing Community Access of Information and Technology Literacy", with speakers consists of elements of higher education academics, and NGOs.
The objectives of the conference are to share and discuss new ideas, experiences, and new policies that are useful in achieving educational goals based on information and technology. The discussion material consists of explanatory and praxis aspects. First, the explanatory aspect that comes from the study of researchers. Second, the praxis aspect that comes from the professional experience of NGO practitioners. The both of discussion materials are related in achieving the educational objectives based on information and technology literacy. The discussion material comes from various background studies such as administration, policy, economics, development, society and culture, vocational education, non-formal education, and basic education or another studies relevant to the discussion of information and technology literacy. The scope of this conference is to discuss the following six sub-themes.
1. Information & technology literacy for children
2. Information & technology literacy on adult continuing education
3. The government policies on developing information & technology literacy
4. Strengthening accessibility of ICT in non-formal education program
5. Availability of ICT facilities on non-formal learning
6. Community development based on information & technology literacy
The Expected Output of the Conference
1. Participant understanding on non-formal education issues.
2. Participant understanding on the roles and challenges faced by government and NGOs in the effort of community empowerment through education based on the information and technology literacy in the community.
3. Participant understanding on the policies and its implementation on developing of early childhood education, adult education and vocational education programs in developing countries.
4. Participant understanding on the role of NGOs in developing a participatory learning environment based on the information and technology literacy in the community.
5. Participant understanding on the implementation of the information and technology program in developing countries.
Important Dates
· Abstract submission (deadline: June 28, 2020)
· Acceptance notification (July 1, 2020)
· Full paper submission (deadline: July 12, 2020)
· Conference day (July 21-22, 2020)
Call for Papers
1. Researchers, lecturers, NGO practitioners, and students are kindly invited to participate and contribute to help shape the conference. Quality innovative and original results of various types of research, empirical practices and constructive propositions are welcome.
2. Authors are requested to submit abstract to the Organizing Committee by June 28, 2020. The papers should be written in English and must be between (7000-8000 words).
3. All submitted conference abstracts and papers will be blind-reviewed by competent reviewers. The abstract book, and certificate of presentation and participation will be handed at the conference desk.
4. Article submission http://nfeic.fip.unp.ac.id/index.php/nfeic-2nd/2020
All accepted papers will be published in UGM Digital Press to be indexed by Crossref, Dimensions, Google Scholar, and Microsoft Academic.
Registration Fee & Payment
Participant (FREE)
Presenter (FREE)
Paper publication in the indexed proceeding (IDR. 800.000,-)
Paper publication in the national accredited journal SINTA 3 or SINTA 4 (IDR. 800.000,-)
Registration will be confirmed only when the conference Fee has been paid (non-refundable). The payment of Conference Fee can be transferred to Bank BNI Cabang Padang, Account Number 668110902, Name of Acc. No.RPL 010 BLU UNP. Please send the transfer document (bank receipt) and registration form (filled in) to committee secretariat via e-mail: nfeic2020@gmail.com
Website: http://nfeic.fip.unp.ac.id/index.php/nfeic-2nd/2020
Email: nfeic2020@gmail.com
Mrs. Lili (081365378566)
Ms. Reza (082391345776)
Thank you
The Chairman of NFEIC 2nd
Alim Harun Pamungkas
Conference Information
- » Overview
- » Track Policies
- » Presentations
- » Conference Schedule
- » Registration
- » Accommodation
- » Organizers and Partners
- » Timeline